LISTEN! (To Be Heard) communications influence leadership listening relationship Oct 29, 2020

NOTICE:  This post is an edited transcript of the video presentation above.  Because this is an edited transcript, it’s going to come across as very conversational.    

The grammar might be off, as w...

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Position for Prosperity - 5 Things Veterans Should Talk About In Their Next Job Interview interview job job interview job promotion promotion transition veterans Jun 03, 2020

If you're a veteran heading to a job interview - either a new job or a promotion - here are 5 things you SHOULD talk about.

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Why Today's Businesses NEED Veterans More Than Ever to Crush It Jun 03, 2020

We haven't traveled this road before.

We were told the only way to prevent millions of deaths in the U.S. and tens of millions world-wide was to "flatten the curve." Two weeks of "self-quarantine" or...

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The Veteran Journey May 15, 2020

Veterans (and everyone else) are on an emotional journey - whether they know it or not.  Knowing more about the roller coaster will help us better navigate our way to greater success in life.


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Beating the GUILT Monster - U Mar 30, 2020

Undeserved criticism is often a compliment in disguise.  -- Dale Carnegie.

And, sometimes, this compliment is disguised VERY well.  Too often, we are guilted into abandoning our pursuit of success, w...

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Beating the "GUILT" Monster - G Mar 29, 2020

We've all been there.  Whether we got away with it or not, we've all experienced guilt.  In many cases, it's healthy and proper.  We do something wrong, unethical, illegal, or immoral, guilt is our co...

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